If you’re selling on Amazon, you probably know that the marketplace isn’t just about selling products to customers. It’s also a game of staying in their good books. An Amazon seller need to keep their respective Amazon account healthy and stay out of trouble with the company at all times.

If your seller account is suspended or terminated, it can be disastrous for your business and sales. You may spend time and money sourcing new inventory in preparation for a launch on another platform or website, only to find that the cost of replacing lost sales was much higher than expected.

What is Amazon Account Health?

Amazon Account Health

Amazon account health is the state of an Amazon seller account. There are two types of account health: good and bad. An account that has been suspended or terminated has bad account health. On the contrary, an account operating normally has good account health.

Amazon monitors your selling account for performance targets and policies in order to ensure that they are providing an excellent experience for their customers. If these metrics do not comply with the targets, Amazon may take action.

You can check your account health for free in Seller Central. You might be able to see account health in the menu navigation panel, where a box will indicate your account health. For example, if your account health is poor, you’ll see a red box with the words “Account under review.” This means Amazon is investigating your account. You may also see a yellow box that indicates a warning on your account.

How to Maintain an Amazon Account Healthy (Tips for Amazon Sellers)

The best way to maintain a healthy account is to follow Amazon’s policies closely. These policies are there for a good reason, and violating them can lead to account issues.

Here are some ways to maintain a healthy account.

  • Stay Organized– It’s essential to keep track of all your inventory, including quantities in stock, quantities sold, and quantities remaining. You also want to keep track of invoices and other important business documents.
  • Follow Amazon’s Rules– Amazon has a set of seller guidelines that you must follow. If you violate these policies, your account could be suspended or terminated. It’s crucial to stay up-to-date on the latest policies, so you always know what to avoid.
  • Communicate with your Customers– Good customer service can really help to keep your account healthy. Responding to customer issues as quickly as possible and resolving them can help to improve your amazon account health.

What Constitutes to an Unhealthy Account?

Amazon gives an account a warning if it believes the account is unhealthy. Here are some examples of when Amazon might flag your account for being unhealthy

  1. If you have a large number of returns, Amazon may flag your account. Amazon doesn’t want sellers to abuse the return policy, so it has strict rules in place to prevent this from happening.
  2. Amazon takes customer feedback seriously. Too much negative customer feedback against your account can lead to an unhealthy account.
  3. Amazon offers the A-to-Z Guarantee to protect customers. Sellers are expected to resolve customer issues as quickly as possible. If many customers are making A-to-Z claims against you, even this might be a bad news for you.

Conclusion: Importance of Amazon Account Health

Amzon Account Health is vital to Amazon sellers. You don’t want your account flagged or terminated because it’s unhealthy. To avoid this happening, make sure you follow Amazon’s policies. Keep track of your inventory, communicate with customers, and stay organized. It’s also important to keep an eye on your account health in Seller Central. If you notice your account health is not good, you should try to correct the issues before they lead to a suspension or termination.